There will be a hearing before United States District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson on July 14, 2023 at 2:00 p.m, to decide whether the settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate. Because of modified court operations related to COVID-19, this hearing might be held via a telephone conference line rather than in-person. Information about the hearing will be posted on the Settlement Website as the hearing date approaches. The hearing will be held in Courtroom 3 or it may be held online. The Court may change the hearing date or location without further notice by mail. Please check the Settlement Website for updates.
If you are a Class Member, you can object to the settlement if you do not like any part of it. If you want to object to the settlement you must mail a letter to:
1) the Court,
2) to class counsel,
3) to defense counsel, and
4) to the Claims Administrator,
Please refer to your Notice Package for contact information for the Court, Defense Attorney, The Claims Administrator, and Class Counsel. All Objections must be postmarked on or before June 14, 2023:
You should include in your letter the name of the case (Alexander v. District of Columbia) and the case number (1:17-cv-1885 (ABJ)). You must also include:
1) your name,
2) address,
3) telephone number, and
4) you must sign the letter.
You should write out all of the reasons you believe the Settlement should not be approved, with as much explanation as you desire to include. The hearing on July 14, 2023 will be your only opportunity to state an oral objection to the terms of the Settlement. The Judge will consider any timely objections you submit if you are a Class Member, even if you do not attend the fairness hearing.
You do not have to attend the hearing to receive your share of the settlement money. If you submit a valid claim to get your share of the Settlement, you will receive your share, provided the Settlement is approved by the Judge. You may file an objection or speak at the hearing even if you also submit a claim form.